Blog – April 16th – Need Cash?

"Investments In Vision"


Wealth Mentoring – Brett Young

WTA University

Dear Entrepreneurs

It’s been a testing 4 weeks for everyone globally.

I don’t wish to seem heartless. I ‘ve been praying for us all. In particular, my heart goes out to all those who have lost someone.

However, during tough times it’s important to remember ‘The Lord helps those who help themselves’. We need to pick ourselves up, ‘keep calm and carry on’. In fact, with so many now jobless and finally with some spare time on my hands I thought I would reach out to you all and do my share. I hope this article gives beginners some inspiration to start their own internet journey, with no money and no experience. There’s never been a better time for me too. Here’s why…

From Zero To World No: 1 Ranking Site

Back in 2002-2003 I came across a successful Internet Marketer called ‘Jeff Dedrick’. I’ll give you a link further on. I bought a bundle of PLR (private label rights), from Jeff. You know, the page where there’s 50 images in a row of what looks like boxed software products. I didn’t expect too much to happen but nonetheless I was curious. It wasn’t long before I became bored with the concept of selling these products. This is fairly typical of new Internet Marketers. Plus I’ve always been known for jumping from project to project. Until now that is. Here’s why…

First Attempts

I took Jeff’s products and modelled an extensive html template with login areas, to try and create my first membership site. It wasn’t easy. There was no WordPress back then, not like now. I had completely no experience in web design. I was self taught. Then something rather interesting and surprising happened. From 2004 I was pulling some reasonable traffic from this site which I no longer have the domain for. About 12,000 page views per month. Not a lot by today’s standards. Yet, remember I had no web design experience and no money to market my website. It wasn’t long before I turned my attention to what was possible with web design and I lost interest in the marketing aspects. Since then I began my own web design company. I’ll drop a link later.

Facebook and Social Media
2004 and something has the internet buzzing. It’s a new tool for social hook-ups. A young University student Mark Zuckerberg has developed a platform from the origins of some other colleagues and run with it. Originally only available to University students, it opens its doors to the world in 2006, making Zuckerberg a billionaire.

My mind starts racing around 2007 and I start getting back to the drawing board. Yet, it’s not until 2011 that I turn my attentions to WordPress. After dabling with flash and powerpoint my entire focus was now on WordPress.

Since its introduction in 2003 WordPress now claims a 33.6% share of the top 10 million websites, as of April 2019. That’s why many of us claim it’s the world’s top CMS (content management system). The best part is that not only are there too many developers to even list worldwide, it’s also free to install on most types of public servers. There’s an endless supply of plugins and both free and premium themes. Plus there’s countless forum support articles and tuition available. The decision to switch to WordPress was an easy one. In fact, I won’t develop websites using anything else..I’ll drop you a link later to my web design company.
Back To The Future
I don’t mean the movie.

2011 and I’m teaching myself WordPress. It becomes apparent very quickly that building a membership site is now going to be so much easier. Yet, here’s the reward. I put an enormous amount of time into what’s called ‘key content’. Website robots or crawlers used to be more interested in what a developer included in their ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘metatags’. I did put a reasonable amount of time into this, using key-word analysis tools I had purchased. Of course, Google provides all of that free now. Yet, my intuition told me that content was so much more important. My ‘hunch’ paid off. The website that I mentioned at the start of this article was holding its own. Google had now turned its attention to ‘rich keyword content’. My website was ranking consistently in the first three pages. Of course, I wouldn’t be satisfied until I was number 1, world’s top ranking website on Google! At least, for my chosen category.

The Arrival

So I scrapped the first website and rebuilt it using WordPress. Yet, here’s what you need to pay attention to. Aside from reading a few articles like this one, I mainly fumbled my way through, trying this, trying that. We didn’t have the immense A/B email testing survey results and the immense studies on web viewer psychology available today. At least, not in a big way! So…what pushed my website into first place on Google and kept it there for the last 6 months?

The Blog!

The Blog you’re viewing right now! Despite the days when my blogs really only found their way to the eyes of casual internet browsers and for the most part still do, it’s these people like you that are my ‘captive audience’. Not everyone needs to be a top Blogger and that’s why Google made Blogger, formally Blogspot available to the average Joe like you and I. Have you noticed how many times I’ve dropped the name ‘Google’ into this article and even ’emphasised’ it. You see, Google just loves to hear (…), let”s not overdo it now! Remember, the robots are clever. Too much flattery may lose you points! Remember, using a blogging platform created and owned by Google will win you some brownies points, if you’re looking for that Google ‘star ranking’.

WTA University

So, I was driving traffic for free from my blog to my website and vice versa. That helped push my website into first place on the Google search engine. Google’s search robots see this as tuition that can drive more traffic to their business and fill their pockets. That’s great you say but what about me?

WTA University has been ranking in first place for my intended search term ‘wealth tuition’ for the last six months to April 15th of 2020.

This means I can now fine tune my attention to filling my website with the tools and resources that can assist aspiring new and even established internet marketers to start achieving their dreams and that’s my primary focus in being here, to ‘pay it forward’. It’s also a big step towards becoming an Internationally aclaimed speaker on the topic of ‘wealth’ and how we can put it to better use to alleviate world poverty, crime and disease. So, you’re assisting me too. It’s a ‘win-win’ situation! Whatever your goal, whether it’s just to make some extra cash or reach for the stars and become a successful internet millionaire, you’ll have the tools and resources available. I don’t promote anything illegal, such as ponzi schemes. These are all very real and achievable methods to assist you with financial and spiritual freedom. All I ask is that you consider ‘paying it forward’ to someone else, as soon as you start to achieve some success.

My eventual vision for Wealth Tuition Angel University is for it to be a stand alone social networking site, outside of WordPress, that can compete with the likes of Facebook and Pinterest (an idea that I had but someone beat me to the crunch). Pinterest became the fastest growing social networking site in the history of the internet. At its peak it commanded more traffic than YouTube, Google+ (deprecated), Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter combined! Ah…if only I’d had the capital to create it! Any of us are ccapable of accumulating that capital!

No Capital – No Experience!

Why not start working on your dream today.! WTA University will soon be filling its classrooms with Teachers (Angels), who can lead the way. However, many budding internet marketers who are starting out have little or no money to invest. Nearly all successful internet marketers these days offer only the $997 plus buy in option which most starting out can’t afford. To be honest, it annoys me because they only have one focus in mind, to make a lot of money. They preach about ‘helping others’, yet they’re really only ‘helping themselves’. Yet, not the way I suggested at the start of this article! I would urge you not to become another one of these solely, and I stress the word solely, ‘high ticket item greed merchants’! Let”s all be more responsible, more compassionate internet marketers! Pay it forward!

The Facts

1. There’s never been a better time to become self employed from the internet, even if you have no money and no experience at all! Especially during a global lock-down and the jobless who will need your assistance and encouragement afterwards.

2. There’s never been a better time to help someone else to accomplish their goals.

But wait a minute…you say…I don’t have enough time for me, after this is all over, let alone somebody else. That’s the magic of being an Online Entrepreneur. Even if you’re starting out, every time you make a sale if you put just 10% aside to do a good deed…doesn’t that make it all worthwhile! It’s money you never had in the first place, so you’re not going to miss just 10%!

More Facts…

1.  You can start with zero $$

2.  You can start with zero experience

3.  You can start from 1 hour a week (slow)

4.  You can start from 30 minutes a night (faster)

5.  You can start from 1 hour a night (very fast)

Please keep in mind. Everyone is different. Some may take a while to grasp it. Others may take no time at all. The main thing to remember is be consistent and never give up!

Go To

Please return frequently to discover the tools and resources I’ll be adding this week from April the 17th 2020, to assist you with your goals!


The World’s Top 30 Gurus For 2020?


You ca win! Thanks for stopping by!

Links I promised earlier;


‘Spreading The Wealth Blessing’
Wealth Corp Strategic Securities Limited
‘Investments In Vision’
Brett Young
IT Wealthtuition – Seminar 1 Click Here
IT Wealthtuition – Seminar 2 Click Here
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26th July 2017

WTA – Work From Home – Wealth Tuition Angel University – Official Launch Is – Sept 1st 2017!

Dear Make Money Online…Entrepreneurs,

" - Make Money Online"

WTA’s Work From Home Online Income Opportunities will be available to you all soon! (See Next Post Below!)

Why is this such a big deal?

Less than 5% of all Online Marketers are making any significant money at all from their Online Projects. It’s hard, real hard…if you don’t have the right project to work with. It’s even more difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing!

After watching Online Marketers complaining for years about the same old issue, I decided something had to be done. So, I’ve created a University which will bring Teachers and Students together, as in a real class room environment. The only difference is…that it will be online!

WTA University will allow newbies and professionals to engage in working smarter and not harder. It will be easier for those doing well to find new recruits. It will be easier for newbies or those struggling to find great mentors. Some of this will be FREE and some of it will come at a price. Everyone needs to make a buck right? Yet my intentions are honorable in that newbies with little or no cash will be able to get started and not flounder as many are doing. They will be able to avoid making the same mistakes others have made and streamline the process. This will also mean not spending vast amounts of money trying each and every project!

WTA University will feature only the best in Online Income Programs, yet there will be some that are not providing as well yet are still valuable, either because they are free or because they cost little to start!

Read the blog post below to find out more and review an opportunity. This opportunity is one of those I mentioned that although new and not highly rated can provide newbies with a great starting platform. There’s a great banner area within Click2Sell, its official affiliate program platform. With a professional platform handling your earnings you’re guaranteed to receive what you earn! GO to it….read next post below!

Remember: He who procrastinates loses!

CLICK HERE to Make Money Online!

‘Spreading The Wealth Blessing’
Wealth Corp Strategic Securities Limited
‘Investments In Vision’

Brett Young

26th July 2017


Dear Make Money Online…Seekers,

" - Make Money Online"

You can start FREE!……(If you can’t wait to get started click the link at the bottom then return to read the article!)…phew it’s been a crazy time and I know I kept on promising new posts and then didn’t deliver.

However, there’s been a good reason for that….ironically I’ve been busy creating wealth….but not just for myself but working on creating wealth for all of us! Stay reading, there’s a program further on I want to tell you about that can start making you cash right away…and you can even start free! Also, there are some valuable tips on how you can rank faster and get more traffic to your sites quicker.

So, that’s what this blog is officially about today…plus…I’m about to launch on Sept 1st 2017 my new Wealth University….the official launch! This is not a post about bragging, so bear with me. It’s about keeping a belief within you, that you not only deserve to be wealthy but you are also capable of creating wealth, even online. That is, so long as you have the intentions of not doing harm to others with it and also intend to help those in need with at least 10% of it. If you don’t have your mind on this and paying it forward the universe may just keep you in poverty, so keep it real. Try to help others create wealth and not just create wealth for yourself!

My goal was and still is, to provide the best ‘Make Money Online’ Wealth Creation Resource Tool available today. Now, whilst like any new business this may not happen straight away….my new University for Make Money Online opportunities is shaping up to be a good one. It’s already ranked on page 1 of Google and is making it’s way back from page three as we speak. I won’t tell you for what term yet, I have a reason for that.

You see, whilst the negative types out there are running around saying how tough it is, 13 years ago I started my first download site and that site my friends has been ranking number 1 in the world for 13 years, falling from number 1 spot only now and again. Right now while I blog this site, the first I ever created, is sitting above Forbes at number 1 position in the world. I had no experience, hardly knew how a computer worked, let alone how to create a website. It’s still in html, whilst all my websites are now created in WordPress and secured successfully behind a firewall.

Lesson 1: The parallel here is no coincidence….I learned early in the piece to have your website rank quickly, you should tie a successful website you have to a new website, through back-linking and key terms. This meant that each of my sites is now scrubbing the back of the other one….first lesson learned in SEO. However, there is more to this than meets the eye.

The second aspect of ranking I learned early in this industry was how Google doesn’t rank sites for Key Terms any more, so much as they focus on content….don’t make this mistake. Place emphasis on your key terms being a part of your website, rather than in your Meta Terms within your header. Google’s robots will love your site more if they discover valid content. Here is an example of what not to do when blogging.

I started a website called (currently under-going surgery). I had 15,000 bloggers join the site to blog, yet none of them were valuable to me and here’s why…

Lesson 2: They all added blogs which were nothing more than a long jumbled meaningless mess of what they thought were ranking key terms. Their blogs meant nothing at all to the search engines and the robots were just getting confused. Trust me…you can not and will not get ranked this way on Google! I added a subscription platform and tried charging them for blogging. I got all the way down to just 50 cents per month, yet not one of them were willing to pay for the use of my website. That is because, they were amateurs. If you wish to make money in blogging you must have valid content and you must deliver something valuable that people can use…period!

I trust this information will be helpful to newbies and would like to now introduce you to an online Work From Home Opportunity that is within the Data Entry Market.

WAIT! Before you run….another lesson!

Lesson 3: Not all Online Work From Home Data Entry Income Programs are scams! If they were all scams I would not have lent myself to this industry. I have created one such program myself which I intend to launch as the flagship program within the Wealth University I have created also known as WTA University. You can start free with this opportunity or you can go Pro and invest $50 plus per week in and other similar solo adds sites. has been very successful in getting results for Online Make Money From Home Opportunity Seekers. Click the link below and take a look….you owe it to yourself to work less hours and get paid more!

Lesson 4: Many of the links in this blog have since changed and many programs have morphed over the years. That’s all a part of learning and testing. Do you think other marketers haven’t gone through this? You will too, it’s part of the learning curve. Yet, it’s too time consuming to go back over old posts and renew information and links. You have to learn to move forward. Once you’re at the stage of fine tuning the arrival, then people will learn to trust you. Then you can start building your lists. Who cares who moved on….there is always a fresh supply of clients who will go to your opportunity and when they return they will see it growing with fresh content. You just have to be patient and until you get there and arrive at the final product just keep testing and morphing your programs. You will eventually arrive at the point that you wish to be at, like me at this stage of the journey. It will be satisfying once you get there but be prepared to put in a lot of hard work. Tony Robbins clients were putting his products down when he was starting out. Eventually he created what are now known as some of the greatest products in the world!

Remember: He who procrastinates loses!

CLICK HERE to Make Money Online!

‘Spreading The Wealth Blessing’
Wealth Corp Strategic Securities Limited
‘Investments In Vision’

Brett Young