How To Use Wealthtuition Angel


"Online Income Programs"

Thanks for participating in Wealth Tuition Angel University…

You’ve made a great decision to increase your profits on the internet faster and easier than ever before.

There’s a lot more going on with Wealth Tuition Angel than meets the eye. Yet, in creating WTA University I kept in mind that WTA should be easy for you to follow and also easy for you to navigate. There’s one more aspect of WTA University that I had to keep in mind. Our University should be the ‘bees knees’, when it comes to providing you with the ‘cutting edge’ tools and resources, required for you to make a great online income. Adding a social networking community that clones the successful Facebook model was an easy decision to make. For a full list of features click here (opens in a fresh window), then return here to continue with the demo (flowchart below).

Wealth Tuition Angel University is absolutely new and still in its growth stages. I’m asking you to be patient and help us grow. Yet, I know WTA University will soon be the top Wealth Tuition University on the Internet. Am I just big noting? No, anyone who knows me knows that I’m a humble guy. Though even before officially launching, WTA was ranking third in the world on Google for ‘wealth tuition’, right below Forbes, who were in 2nd place (at the time of writing this). In first place was the first website I ever built, just a basic html site. Nonetheless, it was well constructed and was optimized well enough to rank number 1 in the world, from 2004 until the time I pulled it off the internet recently. Wealth Tuition University is the result of what Wealth Tuition was intended to be. The Prodigal Son, so to speak and (at the time of updating this July 2019), is still in first place on Google for “wealth tuition”, only beaten sometimes by The University Of Auckland.

So, why am I telling you all of this?

Because if you want to succeed online, you need a little direction first. The right tools and training, to become a success! WTA University is the right place to be, to receive that!

As of July 2019 we’re now on the hunt for those Wealth Angels (Teachers). At the same time, we’re looking for the more experienced Affiliate Marketers to head the other levels of our University’s (classrooms), we’ve allocated to our Students to learn within.


The good news is that WTA University membership, for both Students and Teachers ,is absolutely FREE for a limited time only, while we enroll our first Students and Teachers. Step inside for FREE while you can and be the first to experience what will soon become the top Affiliate University on the internet and is already the top ranked University on Google for ‘wealth tuition’. The first level which is ‘Wealth Angel’ awaits you! To access this level, a subscription will be required in the near future. For now, you can join FREE. To access ‘Wealth Angel’, you’ll still need to first become a FREE Student of WTA. You can use the link below….join us at WTA and make your dreams a reality.

Please Note:  Membership to gain access to the site WTA and Membership to become a student are two different sign-ups. However, both initial sign-ups are always free. There is a varied investment, should you choose to move through the various levels of our University, to undertake the varying levels of our faculty. Each stage becomes a higher investment because each stage offers a higher R.O.I or return on investment. The Teacher at this elected level offers courses that will offer a return on investment to the right student that will be very quick. If you have learned your lessons correctly from the Teacher you purchased a course and/or products from correctly then it makes perfect sense to make the investment.

You should be satisfied that you are ready to make a commitment to a higher level to gain a good R.O.I. There are usually no refunds which means you should be confident that the teacher at that level will be able to teach you how to earn the level of income necessary to achieve this. This can be done by studying the various courses each teacher at each level has to offer. Read the reviews. Use any trial periods available to ‘test the waters’ before jumping in. That said, you can make an extraordinary income at the higher levels of our faculty from the seasoned Pros we will be bringing on board.

Please allow us time to grow as a Beta site before we offer these higher and more difficult levels to more seasoned Affiliate Marketers. Right now, you can take advantage of our ‘growing phase’, to familiarize yourself with WTA University. Purchase some of the great Affiliate products that we will make available to you over the coming months and learn how to master the basics first. You can start FREE!


Return here. It’s very important to read all below

At WTA University, as a student you have 1 task to complete before you embark upon your journey towards financial and if you wish, spiritual freedom. You may enter into any classroom, of the subscription level that you’re paying monthly. Before you can do this, you must first become a ‘free student’ (wealth member), of WTA University. (See our menu).

From there you’ll select the first subscription level which is ‘Wealth Angel’. We operate WTA in the same way as any University, although you can progress to the next level quicker, because we don’t have any set courses as such. All products and courses available at your level are offered by our Teachers, who are Affiliate Masters, at that level. Each Teacher has their own style and their own level of education. Each Teacher has their own products, their own courses and their own services.

You must spend at least 1 month with a ‘Wealth Angel’ before you can progress to the next level. For someone who is fairly new at Affiliate Marketing or a beginner, to have an Angel to guide them is a blessing, thus the allocation. Each level is a higher investment, yet also provides for a higher ROI (return on investment). That’s because as you progress you’ll have a Teacher who is more of an expert in the Affiliate Industry. The higher your subscription, the better the education you receive. As you progress to a higher level, your options will be greater. This is because, although a student at a lower subscription level can not enter a classroom at a higher subscription level, a student at a higher subscription level still has access to all of the levels beneath the level they’re on. This makes the choices you have even greater, as you may see a course or product that may still be of benefit to you, in a classroom (subscription level) that’s lower than the one you’re a member of.


Our Teachers here at WTA must also pay in at the same subscription level as our students. Yet, you needn’t be concerned. You can earn a lot more than your investment. Also, we’re opening up the first level of WTA for Teachers and students, that is ‘Wealth Angel’ for free, until such time as we have enough students enrolled. A prospective Teacher may wish to join us at a higher level than the first level. They may feel that this level is beneath the level that they can educate our students at.  However, this is because we need to vet all of our Teachers, to see what the feedback from our students is like, at the first classroom level. To see if they have ‘the right stuff’ to teach our students at a higher level. If they rate well, they may progress to the next level, even after 1 month, the same option that our students have. If we feel they’re not ready for the next level we’ll review their performance for another month and so on. Each Teacher will create a bio and profile when they join, the same as a student. As they progress they may wish to upgrade their bio and profile to reflect their progress. Even so, your bio and profile will now be re-created by you when you move to a higher level. You can leave your former one up if you want students at lower levels to receive your products, courses and services that are targeted specifically to that audience. Any student can find you and other Teachers listed at the same level/s that you’re on, through each specific directory, for each specific level, listed in our website’s menu. It’s up to you to make your classroom, products, services and website/s an attractive proposition, as you’ll be competing with other Teachers within the same level as you. You must be Professional in all that you do. So long as you’re Professional in what you teach and what you offer, a Teacher will easily make their monthly fee back, by gaining just 1 student. So long as the product or service that you’re offering is of at least the same value as the monthly subscription that you’re paying, in order to use WTA University. Basically WTA connects students with Teachers that can provide students with the level of training that they’re able to provide professionally at specific levels, just like an offline University. What the student pays must be reflected in the course/training that each Teacher offers.

You may offer training at a lower cost than your subscription, once we get enough members on-board. Yet, you must do your dollar cost averaging, to decide whether you’re covering your monthly fees and still making a profit. If you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, you can join at a lower subscription level and try again. We don’t offer refunds on monthly subscription fees, if you don’t meet your target. It’s the same with advertising, you must do the math.


Once a potential student clicks a link that you’ve placed within your profile (demo here soon), they’ll be sent directly to your personal classroom, within WTA University. This is an individual page that you’ll be allocated, that you may promote inside of and outside of WTA University. In addition to your ‘classroom page’, you have additional pages that can be allocated as ‘landing pages’.  We have a great selection of landing pages, that you can use free, to ‘style’ your classroom, to suit a certain promotion that you may be running (example. If you want to promote certain products, courses or services you can promote these on your landing page/s or within your classroom or even both. You get additional pages for this. You can login to your classroom page and create it yourself from scratch, or you can provide us with a PHP pre-scripted page that we can vet before pasting it to your personal classroom page. Alternatively, you can have one of our Professional WordPress Developers create a great looking page for you, at an affordable rate. On your WTA landing page you’ll place a link or a button that takes your classroom students to the product, course or service that you’re offering. Our admin staff will then locate your page and ‘monetize’ your offers by sending them through the Click2Sell Affiliate Program platform, one of the world’s top Affiliate Platforms. WTA’s cut is 25% commission on the products, courses and services you promote within WTA. We see this as an advertisement fee. Basically, you get more exposure for your products, due to them being listed within the Click2Sell Marketplace. You also gain more clients because they’ll have to return to your thankyou page specifically. It’s a win win partnership.

WTA enrolls all new students at the first level which is Wealth Angel at just $14.95 a month. However, until our membership levels are at a level we’re comfortable with it’s FREE to join! You must first enroll as a FREE student or the ‘Wealth Angel’ classroom will not be accessible to you!

Students at this level can select a Wealth Angel (affiliate teacher), based on a Teacher’s Bio and Profile.  We’re now in the process of finding our first Teachers. However, there’s nothing to stop you from joining at that level anyway and start promoting your own links, by creating your own Student ‘Wealth Angel’ Bio and Profile. If you feel you want to transfer to a different tutor, you can simply select a new tutor through the directory of all ‘Wealth Angel’ Teachers. You can only receive tuition from Teachers at your specific classroom level. Your monthly fee doesn’t pay for a certain tutor, it pays for that level of education. As with any University, the higher ROI the higher the fees. Once you move to a higher classroom level, It will be up to your Tutor to decide if they are comfortable teaching you. If they feel you are not compatible with their classroom, they may request us to shift you to a lower subscription level. At our discretion, we may re-allocate a part or whole of your subscription, yet this is on our part non-obligatory.

For now, all Teachers/Students have the opportunity to promote an unlimited number of their own Affiliate Products and Services for FREE by joining at the ‘Wealth Angel’ level.


Since 2004, much has eventuated on the internet. The clockwork of social networking dynamics has totally changed. As online marketers, we can no longer be complacent. Many individuals providing sound advice and experience are better than one or two. WTA University provides you with a valuable platform for success, much the same as WordPress has given us a dynamic CMS (Content Management System) to improve web mastering.

The flow diagram below shows you the initial Membership Registration process. Both for Students and Teachers of WTA University, the’ Wealth Angel’ classroom/level is accessible to you, completely FREE of charge for your first 6 months, once you’ve completed registration of your Free Membership and created your Free Profile.


Copy this code into your ‘Wealth Angel’ subscription, to receive your subscription FREE!


Live long and prosper well!



Wealth Tuition Angel University



" - Join Free"

Once you’re a Site Member – You have the option to become a Wealth Angel

There are certain requirements in order to become a Wealth Angel and assist others to Create Wealth

You Need To Become A Free Site Member Above First!